Need a bail bond fast? Get an appraisal from Bowers Real Estate & Appraisal Services.

At Bowers Real Estate & Appraisal Services, we know that when you're in need of a bail bond, your situation may be stressful. That's why we work hard to make getting a bond appraisal as stress-free as we can. In this situation, you'll may have questions, and we've answered some of the more common ones below. If the information you need isn't here, contact us and we'll get back to you soon.

Bowers Real Estate & Appraisal Services can help with a bail bond appraisal.

Order a bail bond appraisal from Bowers Real Estate & Appraisal Services

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What are appraisals for bail bonds for?

Bail bonds can be used to temporarily release people from law enforcement custody, and they can be "bought" with cash or other assets — like a house. Before a home or property can be used collateral, the court must ensure that it's valued at more than the amount of the bond. To begin this process, a licensed appraiser can determine the estimated value of your home using a bail bond appraisal. This is called a property bond.

When is a bail bond appraisal required?

A bail bond appraisal must be performed if you want to put your property up for collateral. This is a good option if a loved one is jailed and you're not able to put down cash or other assets as collateral to release them from custody.

What happens in a bail bond appraisal?

A bail bond appraisal is similar to other appraisals — an appraiser inspects a property, then writes a report describing how they estimated the value. Every appraiser at Bowers Real Estate & Appraisal Services is licensed and regulated by the Appraisal Foundation, local to the Los Angeles County area, ethical, highly experienced, and dedicated to using the latest technology — so when you request an appraisal, you can trust that it's not just fast, but also standardized and very accurate.

How fast can I get a bail bond appraisal?

We understand that time is of the essence, and we want to get someone you love out of custody quickly. We're happy to rearrange our calendars to make your appraisal our top priority. Contact us today, and we will work with you to facilitate your request. But you don't just need a fast appraisal — you need an accurate one, too. Using your home as bond relies on the value of the property — normally, it must be valued at or above 150% to 200% the cost of the bail bond. While we promise an expedited appraisal, we won't cut corners that result in an inaccurate estimate of your property.

I'm a bailsman who needs a bail bond appraiser. Can you tell me about your company?

If you're a bondsman in need of an appraiser that offers bail bond appraisal services, we have the credentials and the knowledge to provide your customers with swift, stress-free appraisals. Contact us today to learn more about our appraisers and services.